Ken Spam will be speaking to our crteationist ID Intelligent Outreach Team (ID.I.O.T.) about Evil-lution next Sunday.
New research suggests that gravity DOES NOT EXIST!
Creationist PROOF that Gravity doesn't exist!
> Gravitation is a natural phenomenon by which all objects with mass
> attract each other, and is one of the fundamental forces of physics.
1. Because it's natural it's therefore of the devil.
2. Objects don't attract each other, God does it!
> In everyday life, gravitation is most commonly thought of as the agency >
> that gives objects weight.
1. God gives things weight!
> Gravity is responsible for keeping the Earth and the other planets in
> their orbits around the Sun; for keeping the Moon in its orbit around
> the Earth, for the formation of tides; for convection (by which hot fluids
> rise); for heating the interiors of forming stars and planets to very high
> > temperatures; and for various other phenomena that we observe.
1. That's substituting gravity for the things God does!
> Gravity is the reason for the very existence of the Earth, the
> Sun, and most macroscopic objects in the universe; without it, matter
> would not have coalesced into these large masses and life, as we know >
> it, would not exist.
1. Wrong because the bible says that God is the reason for everything.
> Efforts to understand gravity began in ancient times. Philosophers in ancient
> India explained the phenomenon from the 8th century BC.
1. Proof that gravity is inspired by unGodly heathens.
> Sir Isaac Newton published Principia, which hypothesizes the inverse-square law of > universal gravitation.
1. Sir Isaac Newton wrote on the subject of alchemy. Obviously he wasn't a Trew Kristyun and his theory of gravity is inspired by Satan.
2. Gravity is only a theory.
QUESTION: Does gravity exist?
ANSWER: NO, because it isn't found in the bible.
Prove gravity doesn't exist by
1. Quoting the FACT that the bible neer mentions gravity.
2. Jumping off a 10 storey building without a parachute.
Publish your research in the Answers in Genesis "science journal" / rag.
Ken Spam's book "Gravity Does Not Exist" is available in our Bible Bookstore.