
Pastor Dale's Guide To Bible Study

I can always spot a person who is not a true Christian by the layer of dust on their Bible. True Christians value Bible study above all other things. You should mark all the important parts in your bible by highlighting and underlining them along with adding comments from my sermoans. Although the whole Bible is God's word you only have to worry about the bits that I talk about in my sermoans.

You don't have to worry yourself about what any of the Bible means as long as you have memorised the important verses from my sermoans so that you can quote them to unbelievers.

Another great witnessing tool for those who dare question the supreme authority of the Bible is my Circle of Bible Belief. Memorise it so that you can quote it off by heart.

Most importantly all members of Wyrst Pentacostal Church should grow in the Lord by studying and putting into practice my free Bible Study on "Submission To Your Pastor" You can demonstrate your growth in the Lord and your appreciation for my work by placing something in one of the following two envelopes in the Offering Plate:

Larger gifts and love offerings may be left at the Church Vault & Tithe Safe at the Church Office.

Be blessed!
Your Pastor Dale K. Whangke