Next weekend Wyrst Pentacostal Church will be holding a Come Back To Church Weekend with free* barbecued meals after each service. All meals are started with petrol from The Wyrst Petrol Station in the church's car park.
All the steaks come from Pastor Dale Whangke's prize herd of bulls and are processed at our Soylent Green Factory. Yummy!

We are hoping that our 10 000 seat auditorium will be overflowing at all the services over the weekend. Members who bring a person back to the Lord on the weekend will receive a month's free subscription to the Waitland Muckery with all of its awesome 10 pages jammed pack with local news and lots of ads ... and photos of Bob Gaggin, manager of Shit and Drip Real Estate (proud sponsor of Maitland Gangofarts).
*(Meals are free subject to person rejoining Wyrst Pentacostal Church and signing contract to triple tithe for the next 10 years or longer.)