

Wyrst Pentacostal Church will have a food / evangelisation stall at Maitland Show this weekend. We have a prime position on the extreme south of the grounds next to the Gents toilet.  Order our great witnessing tool  - the Cheesey Jesus Pizza - for an awesome $26.25.  This year it has lots more cheese. Praise the Lord!

You can be a VIP Vistor for a small fee of $83.75 and have Jesus sit at your table for 2 minutes. You can ask Jesus to quote his favourite verse from the KJV bible and tell you the many the benefits of being a triple tithe paying member of Wyrst Pentacostal Church. How awesome is that! *[ Jesus is not allowed to answer any other question.] 

If you collect the free coupon from this week's Waitland Muckery you'll be able to get a huge 1.75 % discount of the Christian Kiddies Show Bag which retails for a low $14.95. *[Show bag and contents are as depicted in above photo.]

Another awesome minastry of Wyrst Pentacostal Church.