Pastor Dale's Missionary Journey Fund

Sermoan: TRINITY EXPLAINED by Pastor Dale K Whangke

God and the Holy Spirit look like Jesus but there are not really Jesus. Jesus is seated at God's right hand side and looks like his Dad ... and of, course, those lovely angels are all around them ... and under their feet. They aren't treading on the angels. The angels are holding them up so that they don't fall throgh the clouds and clobber someone. You can tell which part of God is God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit because of their supergod costumes that show their insignias. When you see someone with a shining golden trinagular halo then you know it's God.
These wonderful rminders of the holy trinity are avaiable as wall sized posters from our Biblestore. Get a 2% discount with the coupon from this week's Waitland Muckery.
Be blessed!Pastor Dale K Whangke
New Youth Service

Agreement with Sister Church overseas!

Pastor Jim has given us enough red cordial to serve to every member in appreciation of our help! Thjis minastry is brought to you FREE from Pastor Jim's church. Be blessed!
Annual Bonfire Night & FREE POSTER

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