
Lamb Chops at $5.00 a kg

Lamb Chops are now $5.00 a kg at "Lamb Of God Butchers" which supplies Wyrst Pentacostal Church with all its BBQ needs and tithe of all its sales. Get a free lamb chop when you present a voucher from this Friday's Waitland Muckery.

Volunteers Required For New Ministry

Wyrst Pentacostal Church wishes to start a new ministry as Beach Costume Inspector at Nobby's Beach in Newcastle in order to protect our country from falling moral standards. Please fill in the application form at the church office if you are interested in this vital ministry. Full training will be given Pastor D. Tweedle.

New Addition To Our Zoo

Wyrst Pentacostal Church has an new exhibit in our Intelligent Design Zoo. Bring the kiddies along for half-price next weekend.

Reminder to all Staff

You will need to update your "True Christian First Aid Ministry" qualifications by the end of each year. The course is now run over two days with the "Healing by prayer" component on Day 1 and the "Healing by Exorcism" component on Day 2. Cost for the annual update remains at $500 per person. Please book at the Church Office.

Bible Bingo

Kiddies can now play Bible Bingo during the sermoan but only if it has been purchased from our Biblestore.


The Lord loves a Christian who triple tithes and brings a third of his gross wage into the Church Bank Account. Wyrst Pentacostal Church's Phase 1 for this week's tithes is $1,400,000.

Bible Prophecy Explained

Pastor Dale K. Whangke will be presenting a new series of sermoans on "Bible Prophecy Explained"over the next month. It will give conclusive bible proof that:

- Australia has gone over to the dark side
- Kevin Rudd is of the devil
- Obama is the anti-Christ
- You should give more money to the Wyrst Pentacostal Church Fund For Hastening Armageddon

One Way Statue

Our church grounds have been beautified by a statue in pure gold of the One Way sign by Christian sculptor Bruce McFarland. The One Way Statue won the prestigious Maggie Slivver OM Award For True Christian Art, 2008. Bruce said the statue is a symbol of the One Way sign that is given to him by many wonderful Christian drivers on the roads around Maitland. "They also toot their horns in praise to Jesus," said Bruce, who insists on driving below 30km on any road in order to be safe. You can view the statue at any time for a small love offering of $10.


Pastor Ted Bucket - "Obama is the Anti-Christ"

Pastor Ted Bucket will be speaking at this Sunday's morning service on "Obama is the Anti-Christ". He will provide graphic detail on how the USA has gone over to the Dark Side by electing a black person instead of God's chosen right-winger, McCain's Frozen Dinners.

Bring the whole family!

Any Wyrst Pentacostal Church member who does not bring the WHOLE family to every available church service or meeting will be fined $50 for each family member missing as of this Sunday.

Stoning Prohibited!

Stoning is prohibited unless:
1. The person being stoned is not a true Christian
2. The stones used are purchased from Wysrt Pentacostal Church Biblestore.

New Chapel

Our new outreach centre, the Dale K. Whangke Chapel, was opened in Rutherford last Sunday by Rev. Ted Bucket.